[港元定期] 一文比較6月港元定期存款,低息環境下還有1厘或以上的選擇

港元銀行同業拆息仍然維持超低水平,一個月HIBOR就只有0.1%,三個月亦只有 0.18%。但有些銀行反而加了定期存款利息以吸存款,以下搜尋了一些銀行的定期利率利息作參考,大家亦不妨多較一下以獲得更好的定期存款利息。

1) 中信銀行國際,打疫苗1個月1%定期存款



2) 虛擬銀行Welab bank 匯立銀行3個月1.1%

匯立一直都有GoSave定期存款,要湊夠人才有會有更多利息。最新的3個月定期,如果湊夠50人一齊做GoSave 定期就會有1.1%。

3) 天星銀行3個月有0.9%


4) Fusion Bank 富融銀行3個月0.85%



English Version 

Choices of HKD fixed deposit in June 2021

Some banks offers fixed deposit interest rate over 1%, here are the 3 banks latest promtion.

1. Citic Bank International

If you finished the 2 doses of vaccination, you are eligible to enjoy a high interest rate of 1% fixed deposit for 1 month. You have to go to any Citic Bank branch to open the fixed deposit and the maximum amount to enjoy the high interest rate is $200,000and only new fund is eligible for this promtion.

Citic Bank also offers 3 month 0.7% for new fund of 1 million.

2. Virtu Bank Welab Bank 

Welab Bank offers 1.1% 3 month fixed deposit , GoSave deposit. However, you can enjoy higher deposit rate only more people joins that time deposit. 1.1% will be offered if 50 customers join the GoSave time deposit.

3. Virtual Bank Airstar 

Airstar Bank offers 3 month 0.9% fixed deposit rate.

4. Virtual Bank Fusion Bank

Fusion Bank offers 0.85% 3 month fixed deposit for deposit over 0.5 million. if the fund is below 0.5 million, 0.8% deposit rate will be offered.

For details, you may check the website of different banks.



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