[開戶優惠] 一圖看清理財戶口迎新優惠大比較 (2017年第三季)


唔使驚我哋Money King已經幫你格晒價。

以1,000,000港元開戶為例,花旗銀行Citi 同星展銀行 DBS各有千秋。花旗迎新現金回贈有$4000,資金保持1年回贈多$800,仲可以做定期有定期利息,如果唔要額外 $800,最少要保持戶口6個月。

DBS 迎新現金回贈$1800,資金保持4個月及敘做銀行理財產品(定期除外),回贈多$2600,total $4400, 但係無定期息,戶口最少keep 4 個月。咁睇法,如果花𣄃Citi定期利息有0.15%或以上,咁花旗Citi扺D,如果想時間短D,就星展好D,大家自己諗下啦。



English Version

Hong Kong Wealth Management Account Welcome Offer Comparison (Q3 2017)

Money King Website assists you to copaare the welcome offer from different banks.

Account opening with 1 million new fund, Citibank HK and DBS Hong Kong offers are attractive. Citibank HK offers $4000 for new customer, but the account has to be kept for 1 year.  $800 additional cash will be offered to account holder ma after 1 year.

DSB Hong Kong offers $1,800 cash for new customers, but there is a condition of holding account for 4 months.

All promotional details can be referred to the bank respective websites.

Promotional offers are until 30 September 2017.



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